**** NOTE: My November 2012 posts have been lost due to system issues. They are: Good Guys Show, Nostalgia Drags and my Day of the Dead shoot...hoping to recover them. Sorry if you came here to specifically see those posts.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Los Boulevardos Arizona... At The Drive-In

Ryan's Slammed & Flaked '62 Caddy...see the "Cars 2" rendering in the event flyer above.
It was a great idea but the showing was slim and most likely due to the fact it was mid-July in Arizona. Those who passed on the event for that reason really missed a nice breezy summer night at the drive-in. 
Los Boulevardos ride low & slow with a 60's custom vibe. Their motto states it best:
"Too Late To Be Traditional. Too Lowrider To Be Custom. Too Custom For Lowriders."
Their cars wow the old school lowrider crowd as well as the Traditional Kustom kats.

Borrowing stylistically from LB's motto, I'll describe the arrival of these chaperoned young ladies as: "Too Late For Good Lighting. Too Young for Lowrider Magazine. Too Pretty Not To Be Photographed." I thought I'd be the first to put them on the big screen.
I'm terrible with names (sorry ladies) but their parents had brought them to the event to take photos of them with the some cool rides. It was dark when they approached the club which really limited things and I offered to help...I'm just that kinda guy. I let the Mom pose them and I shot some photos for her.
Here's a couple...

Here's Freddy's beautiful '60 wagon. His artistry shown in this killer custom paint.
I'm not sure if all the rides here are club members, but I'd happily drive away in any one of them.
I've seen Fish's (hope that's the spelling) killer Buick at a couple shows and it's always worth another photo.

My kids enjoyed their first drive-in movie and I hope to see Los Boulevardos for more photos in the future. Also, to Mom and the future models, I have more photos, just contact me like we discussed.
It was a pleasure meeting you all. Tell Impala-Dad to check out my Lowrider event postings here on the site.

Gracias, Los Boulevardos (Freddy & Ryan) and let me know when your next get-together is. I'd be honored to come out, hang and shoot it for you!

(Thanks Mac...your the "Bester" for sure!!)

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