**** NOTE: My November 2012 posts have been lost due to system issues. They are: Good Guys Show, Nostalgia Drags and my Day of the Dead shoot...hoping to recover them. Sorry if you came here to specifically see those posts.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Los Boulevardos Cruise to the Lake...The Phone Dispatches 2012

 I guess you could say I'm "phoning this one in"... but before you judge, realize I'm combing through hundreds of photographs (from a real camera) for a webzine article.  These iPhonotos (should I copyright that?) are just an appetizer (as in phone apps) to the show-feast I'm working on. I will say that the 2012 Los Boulevardos Cruise to the Lake was a GREAT show with killer rides! I deliver these without commentary....

   More to come...


LisaM said...

Wow! Proves your talent when you take pics like these with a cam phone!!!

Bill Garrett said...

Thank you, my friend!!